4 Precautions to Protect Your Digestive Health


Most of us take our gut health for granted. We figure if a problem develops, we will know it and address it at that time. However, the digestive process plays an important role in overall bodily health, so it makes sense to take precautions like the following.

1. Eat Sensibly

We’ve all heard that too much of anything is bad for us. That is true for many foods, especially those laden with salt, sugar, fat, or preservatives. However, getting five half-cup servings of fruits and vegetables daily is actually good for most people. Produce facilitates the digestive process and keeps the gut working effectively while providing the body with important nutrients. Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day along with following a healthy eating plan may help to protect your digestive health.

2. Avoid Toxins

One of the common warnings about gut health is to avoid common poisons that we put into our bodies. Tobacco in any form, whether smoking or chewing it, alcohol of any type, and illegal drugs or misuse of prescription drugs can seriously damage the body in many ways. Their use frequently damages digestion and related organs, such as the stomach, pancreas, and liver. It is best to completely stay away from these substances, or if you must use them, do so as little as possible. The Digestive Center website may also have more information and resources for you.

3. Exercise Routinely

After healthy eating, exercise is arguably the most important thing you can do to protect your body, including the digestion process. Regular exercise of between 30 and 60 minutes for several days each week helps to keep the body in good shape and working as it should. Check with your doctor before starting a new exercise plan, but even moderate walking, swimming, or bicycling can do much to promote digestion health and keep foods from lingering too long in the colon.

4. Get Digestion Problems Checked

If you develop a persistent problem related to eating, swallowing, digesting, or eliminating food, consult your doctor. It may be a simple case of indigestion that can be remedied with an over-the-counter medication or a change of eating habits. But an ongoing problem that becomes progressively worse should be evaluated by a doctor who can prescribe tests, and if necessary the right treatment, to get the issue under control before bigger problems develop.

Food plays an active role in just about everyone’s daily life. We eat for fuel, for fun, and with friends. However, healthy eating is essential for good gut health and to keep our bodies working efficiently for as long as possible.